I think that if u really want to learn Italian the best think u can do is just COMING TO ITALY! Italians are very friendly especially with beatiful girls (well, sometimes too much, I'm sure u will find more hard getting rid of them than learning Italian!!! ;-), and I'm sure as well u will find some girls that will become special friends... don't worry... u will never feel alone here :)...
The first period could be very hard... u will watch tv, u'll read papers, u'll be surrounded by people that would talk to you... and u will not understand anything... so I suggest u to make new friends as soon as u arrive, go out with them, have a full social life! that help a lot... in my experience i did the same...
but don't worry... very soon, almost a month after your stay things will be much much easier for you.
Well, for first I could help u correcting your translation if u are interested in Italian language :)
Mi dispiace di non parlare italiano! Tenterò di tradurre questo... ma andrò a Firenze presto e mi domandavo come gli italiani vedono gli americani, soprattutto le donne americane da New York, la città da dove provengo. Andrò perché amerei davvero imparare la lingua italiana, è difficile? Grazie per il vostro aiuto e spiacente per aver "macellato" la vostra lingua tentando di scriverla.
Have fun in Italy, enjoy yourself and come for a visit in Tuscany! I'll be glad to see you!!!